The Unisoft One Mattress System ensures a safe and comfortable experience for your patients.

The world’s first single-use mattress designed for optimal infection control and pressure injury treatment and prevention.


Cost-effective enough to be single-patient use, eliminating the risk of cross-contamination from dirty mattresses.

Can be effectively disinfected with bleach without degrading like traditional mattresses made of materials like PVC, vinyl, or nylon.

Doesn't contain any internal fittings or foams which can harbor germs and are hard to clean.

Covered by a viral barrier that cannot be infiltrated by pathogens, forcing them to remain on the surface where they can be killed.

Eliminates terminal cleaning, allowing more time for your staff to get back to what they do best.

Can easily be switched out and recycled, giving you and your patients peace of mind.

Your staff and patients deserve more.


Made just for them.

Our mattresses are intended for single-patient use. You can feel good knowing that you are providing your patients with a guaranteed clean mattress.



Our user feedback is consistently positive, with many saying that the Unisoft One is the most comfortable mattress they have ever used.

Easy setup & storage.

The Unisoft One Mattress System weighs just 6.7 lbs and is easily stored.


Safety features.

The Unisoft One also has integrated side rails to prevent head entrapment and provide safe egress. It fits comfortably on most mainstream hospital beds.


The Unisoft One is made with bleach and hydrogen-peroxide compatible materials, a level 4 viral barrier non-woven cover and has no hard-to-clean internal fittings or fillings.


Infection control.

Cost-effective and recyclable makes the Unisoft One a viable option for single-patient use - eliminating the risk of cross-contamination between patients.


Easy as 1-2-3.

With just a few clicks and a quick over-the-phone consult, your Unisoft One Mattress System will be on its way to you.


Contact us to learn if the Unisoft One is right for your facility.

Let us create an implementation plan for your facility.

Get the Unisoft One into the hands of your staff and patients.